Tuesday, October 25, 2005

divs in [blog title]

A couple of days ago, BlogDrive added some divs tags to all [blog title] texts, wrapping them up and labelling them with a unique ID:

<div id="XXXXX_kdub1">[blog title]</div>
XXXXX being some random number.

This change has caused some of the scripts I did not work properly. Luckily, it's not a very big change so it's not exactly obvious. Or rather, I'm just a damn good javascript programmer that the scripts just degrade gracefully automatically. *wink*

Right, the scripts can be fixed. So, it's not something to worry about since all it needs is my time to sit down and remanipulate the [Blog Title] strings to omit the divs.

The problem lies in all the completed, flawless templates. There are more than two hundred fifty of them, and I don't think there's is anytime to look at all of them, and determine which is would fail.

Also, my previous method of using [blog title] in <title> tags (to aid in search engine ranking) would now fail to serve any purpose. Maybe BlogDrive should do that automatically for permalink pages, since it'll gain search engine ranks. It's a win-win situation if they do it, since both bloggers and BD gain popularity. However, there might be some specific yet unknown reasons why they have not implemented it.

Contrary to what many people thinks, getting ranked in Google is actually much more of a compliment than "leaving tracks on the internet". If you want to blog, you should know well enough what you are opting for.

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