BlogDrive Disaster
It appears some members have been experiencing trouble viewing blogs on BlogDrive for the past few days. Somehow the problem has gone from bad to worst today as most blogs can't be accessed at all, not even after refreshing the page.
According to most members, this affects only blogs and not the administration section. This is a relief as we can still create an entry without much trouble.
There has been no responce from BD regarding the issue, the person in charge could be working hard fixing the problem as of this moment or he is asleep and will get to it soon. (It just means human needs sleep)
Since there's not been an explanation, we can only make assumptions of what might be causing this uneasiness:
Server overloaded would be the most likely explanation. It's could be fixed pretty soon.
BlogDrive could be upgrading server, hence we get a temporary outage. In the past, there has always been a notice about server upgrade but currently we get nothing after . There was even a homepoll surveying what members message members prefers but the BD admin must have decided to obmit it. To be honest, I would rather have the server upgrade message than nothing.
Exceeded monthly bandwidth. Sounds stupid but it is one of the possibilities.
Could be a DoS attack. DoS attack is an attack on a computer system or network that causes a loss of service to users, typically the loss of network connectivity and services by consuming the bandwidth of the victim network or overloading the computational resources of the victim system. Let's all hope this is not the case.
It could be something else, if you have any suggestion you can post a comment. Let's hope it's just temporary.
Reference: DoS attack, BlogDrive forum, BlogDrive User's Review,
Technorati Tags: BlogDrive, bandwidth, denial of service, Internet,
*Update: there's word on the main tagboard from the admin, about some new software updation. Let's keep our finger's crossed as this disaster comes to past.
Helpee » I'm going out to the data center again. Things will be bichen soon. Been updating some new software. - There you have it.