Sunday, May 14, 2006

co.mments tracking

Just discovered a new service called co.mments. It's a service that helps you to track responces to comments you have left on different blogs. It even alerts you if your commented page has been updated with new replies.

This sounded like a really cool idea to track all blog that I have commented on and if there are any replies from other blog readers or from the blog owner. If you are a regular commentor, you'll definitely love this service.

How it works?

Like all cool new web inventions (such as, it doesn't 100% automatically track all your comments. There is one extra step you have to do, just one. ONE STEP. You, of course, need to let it know what to track. And that's as much hassle as it can get. Not bad at all I think.

Basically, once you add a comment, you add the URL of your commented page to your track list on co.mments. And then co.mments will do all the hard work and track it for you.


Does it work on Blogdrive?

I'm not sure, I've just signed up for it and currently it works well for blogspot. So, chances are it just might work with a bit of tweaking in the codes. I'll update in a couple of minutes, as soon as I find out more about this service.
*UPDATE 2: It's currently working with Blogdrive after speaking with the founders of co.mments.
*UPDATE: Currently it doesn't work on Blogdrive yet. I've sent them a couple of emails and they seemed pretty helpful. I hope that they are able to make it work on Blogdrive.

Tags: blogdrive, co.mments, comments, track,

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