Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tammy NYP Sex Scandal

Technorati has proven it's worth by pushing the hottest news of the hour to the top of the charts. This exact system have also been the sole publicity for the recent singaporean Nan Yang Polytechnic sex scandal.

What actually happened was a girl aged 17 years old filmed herself doing certain sexual actions with her boyfriend using their 3G mobile phone. Her phone was stolen and someone uploaded the video on to the internet. The rest is history, right?

No, I mean yes. It became more bizarre than paris hilton's phone sex scandal. The singaporean blogging community is one scary barbarian tribe.

First, it's paedophile. Child pornography. Then, it's asian sex.

Also, there are people out there circulating the video through email or direct downloads. Yes, these people are to be damned for distributing child pornography (not to mention Tammy's own fault for having sex AND recording it).

Technorati Promotes Sex Scandal

What's amazing here is how technorati serve as a promoter of this news to the world. The girl's life is ruined by the singapore blogosphere. With technorati, the entire world get to shares this video.

Tammy scores top five in the top searches on Technorati a few days ago.

Technorati Filters

Today, technorati decided to filter the searches (finally) but at the cost of being reliable.

From their blog news, it is well known that technorati's filter automatically filters out all pornography or sex related keywords. Now there's a new set of keywords added into the roll, Tammy, Tammy NYP, NYP (which is supposed to be one of the most reputable college in Singapore, Tammi (because humans aren't stupid), and some other which I don't know.

Sex Scandal Business and Traffic

Well, as usual things are blown out of porpotion. Valuable resources wasted. There are now ebay auctions on the videos, cafeexpress is selling tshirts of "I fucked Tammy at NYP" and forums created to entertain the hunger of *cough* human desire for free sex videos *cough*

There was a saying, that all major news in blog world are ugly. Either a blog war, or natural disaster, real war, or sex scandals. Believe it or not?

Tags: technorati, sex scandal, paedophile,

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